30 December, 2009

'Tis the season for eating Part II

So! Here are the pictures of the White Castle adventure that I promised. Below, our first glimpse of the gleaming white burger haven, a place made even more perfect by the carpet of white snow blocking half the entrance to the parking lot.

Here's our first round: 10 burgers, 2 fries, and 2 cokes that aren't in the shot. Notice how neatly they are all piled up, with the burger holsters shoved together to keep them warm!

I mentioned earlier that the autofocus on my dad's camera was being wonky... here is a weirdly-focused shot of Madman holding a burger for some size reference. I told one of my hallmates that I ate 11 burgers and then had to explain that no, I was not the gigantic fatty that they thought I was, thank you, because each burger is about the size of a deck of cards.

And... the first round's devastation. I didn't manage to get any pictures of the second round because I was too focused on not vomiting to take the camera out again. Sorry, guys.

End of Part II. Hope you all enjoyed.  ;)

27 December, 2009

A snuggly tribute & muddy adventure

On of my favorite blogs on the entire internet is Spoon Facts (spoonfacts.blogspot.com), a tribute to the most spectacular and comfortable of all pastimes: spooning! My dear friend and author of this blog, however, hasn't posted in a looong time, and so hopefully this next expression of love for (platonic) spooning and Lil' Spoon will inspire her to write more, and soon!

In college we're at the age where hormones are raging and we're all yearning for some human contact. Obviously. No one can deny this. We can, however, deny our most carnal of urges and just go for the luvverly platonic stuff. Namely, spooning! Spooning is the most fantastic way to tell someone that you're there for them. My hall is full of spoon-addicts-- if asked, "if you were a utensil, which would you be?", we would probably all answer, "well, our most favorite curved soup-and-ice-cream compliment, of course!" and all cuddle together in our proverbial silverware drawer. We love each other, and it's probably because of how much we spoon. I know things about my hallmates that most people at our school don't know-- one girl always worries if she's smothering you with her hair, and if you even mention being a little spoon to one of the guys he'll lecture you on how he always has to be the big spoon, or else. A hall adoptee used to wear Polo Black for our late-night snuggs sessions, and another one always loves to hold your hand, whether it be a normal hand-grasp or warlocking (refer to Spoon Facts if this reference is lost on you). In short, spooning brings people together. And reading about it is highly entertaining. Come back, Lil' Spoon!

And because trying to segue from spooning to jumping around in mud with rain boots is giving me a headache, I'm just going to jump right in (er... no puddle pun intended?). We've been getting a lot of rain in this part of the country recently, so a couple of days ago the nearby canal oozed-- nay, galloped-- into the surrounding landscape. My dad and I went for a walk near a ranger station we thought would be far enough away from the canal to avoid most of the flooding-- we wanted to dam up engorged streams but not have to squelch through miles of murk-- but ended up in the thick of it! The canal expanded about a mile past its borders and filled the slight valley we had planned to peruse. It was pretty wonderful, actually. We found a wooden walkway that had floated off its supports and was just hanging out in the water and followed it to its end. It was so exciting because there was nothing under it but water, so as we walked on it it sank a bit, and looked really sweet when we jumped on it and the water shot through the gaps between the planks. We spent the rest of the day unplugging streams of collected leaves and started trudging home when the sun set... all in all, a wonderful way to break up the ho-hum days.

23 December, 2009

'Tis the season for... eating?

I know the stuff-your-face season is typically Thanksgiving, but gosh, what an epic adventure I went on today that totally rivaled T-day’s ability to make me stuff my face.

I suppose it started last night around 10.30 when my brother and I had huge cravings for hamburgers. Because my favorite school-time burger joint—BRGR Joint—is woefully far away, the plan was to drive around, looking for someplace that was still open. But alas! The ‘rents quashed our fast-food dreams because a) they thought it was too late to even be thinking about food and b) the roads were icy. So we went to bed hungry. Gosh, it is so weird to be home.

This morning I woke up at the very college-like time of 11.30 to find that my brother, Madman (his blog alias—read it here: Mad Man and the Goonies) and I were still craving burgers! So even though I generally abhor fast food because it has the uncanny ability to make me want to vomit for about a week, because of our burger slight the night before, what do we decide to do?

Go to White Castle, of course!

And, even better, there was one only thirty minutes from our house!! Best day ever, right?

Naturally I took the camera to photo document this epic adventure, and naturally I took my dad’s point-and-shoot so it was having trouble focusing…. And the original plan was to upload them, but Blogger is freaking out on me. So, unfortunately, the pictures are going to have to wait until I can successfully attach them to a post.

All in all, an epic adventure. Definitely worth it. Though not necessarily one to repeat...?

19 December, 2009


Hello, fellow inhabitants of cyberspace!

I’m sure you're expecting a witty opening to this blog of mine, but I’m going to have to tell you a secret—I’ve never been very good at writing introductions. So I’m just going to jump right in.

Welcome to the musings and ramblings of a college student who loves to cook, make art, and knit, among other things. I attend a small liberal-arts college in the Northeast, where I fence, do typical homework, and have pretty atypical adventures. My life is a work in progress. A rough draft, if you will. So sit back, enjoy the ride, and wait to see how the story unfolds.