... you wish you had to go to the bathroom so you could take a break and stretch your legs, while at the same time you wish you never had to eat or sleep or pee again just so you could plow through your work and be done with it.
I know, I shouldn't be updating das blog with two exams and a Spanish paper still looming over my head, no matter how long it's been since I last posted, but I'm resting for a few minutes between essays. Give me a break.
I think this work is making me go a bit crazy.
This finals period we have two weeks to do our self-scheduled exams rather than one, like in the fall semester, and it's definitely killed my productivity streak. Last finals week I was so productive-- yeah, okay, I didn't finish until essentially the minute everything was due, but I still worked all the time and got about eight more hours of sleep a night than I anticipated coming into college. Seriously! Winter finals week was the longest stretch of me consistently getting enough sleep all last semester.
This semester, not so much. The beginning of finals period had me unstressed and feelin' good-- surely I could do in two weeks what I did in one last semester. Granted, I had a significantly higher amount of work, but not enough to fill up a full two-week's worth.
Wrong! Working all last week didn't pay off because I still took the time to watch a movie almost every night. And go to a birthday party. And lay awake at night because I thought the creepers from the horror movies we'd been watching were out to get me. But irrelevant. I'm still not going to be finished anywhere near early, and it will be a Christmas miracle in May if I finish everything fully, thoroughly, and perfectly by Friday at noon when everything is due.
Wish me luck, dear readers! See you on the other side of this week.