Last night as I was procrastinating writing a paper I, of course, logged onto Facebook. My friend Miriam had just posted something that I wanted to respond to, and now because there is no longer a "see wall-to-wall" option, commenting on her post was the easiest way for me to respond.
I was not particularly focused while writing this response-- I fidgeted, I messed with Clara's papers, etc-- and when I went to post this comment I received an error message telling me to Try Again. So I clicked the Try Again button a few times-- maybe ten altogether?-- and finally realized that while fidgeting I had flipped the switch on my computer to stop it from looking for wireless signal. Once I had reconnected to the internet I hit Try Again one last time, and when the page reloaded it showed that I had posted the same comment OVER 200 TIMES. Yeah. That's right. Somehow my requests got sent while my computer wasn't connected to the internet and then MULTIPLIED LIKE FREAKIN' BUNNIES!!!
And all of this somehow means that I'm blocked from posting comments indefinitely?!??! And apparently trying to post comments to see if it's working again will prolong the amount of time I'm blocked. It's not even like I was doing this to be obnoxious, but it doesn't matter because I can't get them to remove the block-- the FAQ says that they "cannot lift this block for any reason, so please be patient and refrain from using this feature for a few days while waiting for this block to be removed." ARE YOU SERIOUS??? IT WAS YOUR STUPID GLITCH THAT BLOCKED ME IN THE FIRST PLACE, AND NOW YOU WANT ME TO SIT AROUND AND TWIDDLE MY THUMBS?? If you really can't lift the block, isn't that some sort of signal that the machines are taking over and that we should all start preparing for a post-apocalyptic Terminator-style wasteland?? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE??

23 February, 2011
14 February, 2011
07 February, 2011
My friend Clara over at Just Listen dedicates every single post she writes, so today I'm stealing a page her book. Today, my post is dedicated to chance and the unexpected things life throws at us.
Back when I was first starting out with photography I would just sort of point my camera at things and play with the exposure to get it right. I would take tens of photos of the same thing, hoping that I would capture an image that really resonated, that meant something, that was good. A lot of them were pretty terrible. Sometimes, though, I would get lucky and find something I liked amid the mess I'd created.
I'm learning now that life is sort of the same way. As you get older and have more experience with it, you learn that there are a few necessary skills. The rest, like taking a good photo, just seems to be luck. Dumb luck. Sometimes you come upon something so interesting it changes your life. Sometimes you get screwed over. Mostly, it's just looking for something you like within the mess. And that's something I'm getting better at.
By the way, thanks to everyone (anyone) who reads this. I know I've had ups and downs and have sometimes been downright neglectful, but I appreciate all of you and the time you take to read my ramblings. :)
05 February, 2011
Looking on the bright side
This past week has been really, really rough. Suffice to say, the boyfriend is no longer the boyfriend. On the bright side, though, my orchid is flowering:
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