19 September, 2010

Things I Miss at School

I love being at school. I love seeing people all the time and having a lot of freedom and interacting with intellectuals. But it makes me miss a lot of things about life and breaks and summer.

These are some things I miss:

  • me time
  • waking up for meteor showers or sun rises without worrying about being tired for class
  • the boyfriend
  • not being stressed
  • baking elaborate goodies
  • baking at all
  • knitting
  • the boyfriend
  • swimming
  • laying in the sun with a book
  • exploring
  • pondering the universe

05 September, 2010

So, I'm a Lazy Bum

I haven't taken photos of my beret or handwarmers, I haven't updated anything about being back at school, and I haven't even unpacked yet. I know. I'll get around to it.

Today's post is about a feeling. You know that feeling when you're surrounded by people but you feel lonely anyway?

That's my feeling of the day.