1. I'm trying to see if I want to move my blog over from Blogger to Wordpress, so for the next little bit I'm going to be posting at both chiccasroughdraft.blogspot.com and chiccasroughdraft.wordpress.com.
2. I submitted Self Expression, a shirt I designed, to Threadless last summer and while a lot of people were excited about it, it wasn't chosen to be printed. This summer, I'm printing it myself! Right now I'm trying to figure out if people like the red or yellow color scheme more, so if you have an opinion please weigh in (click here for better pictures). Otherwise, keep your eye out for the sale! It should go up in a couple of weeks.
In the meantime, I have a lot of other projects on my plate! I know that the summer is supposed to be a time to recuperate from all the stresses of the semester. Anyone who knows me personally would also know that during the semester I am way too busy to sleep-- between fencing, a capella, work, and, well, life, there just isn't enough time! So I don't know that anyone would be surprised to hear that even though I leave for Argentina in July, this summer I ended up with two jobs and a zillion projects to complete!
In addition to working with a wonderful medical billing office, I landed a job with one of my favorite professors. My class last semester on the Criminal Justice System was the first class he'd ever taught, but this was one of the best classes I've ever taken. Normally he's a defense lawyer, and this summer I don't have enough time for a full internship. He promised me an internship for next summer, but this summer he has me organizing and designing a website for him! It's right up my alley and it pays really well, so I am SUPER excited.
In other news, I'm getting so far on my sweater! Look look look!
I don't remember if I mentioned this before but I've been working on a sweater on and off since last summer. It's called Tree Jacket by Zephyr Style and I'm knitting it up in this burgundy-maroon soft wonderfulness. I took this photo at about midnight but since then have finished the top garter section and have moved onto the body lace. I'm super excited!
In my queue I also have a hat for Clara and the second half of my mommy/baby monster pair. I decided to knit them in GIGANTIC yarn and Baby looks was truly a MONSTER. The original picture from Danger Crafts' Etsy is at top left, and Baby's picture is below. Yeah, that's right. It took up my entire lap! Anyway, waiting in my queue is Mommy Monster, who I expect to be at least twice the size. Whoo!!
Look for lots of posts in the next few days, I think. I just uploaded a bunch of pictures from my phone and have a lot of catching up to do!
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